Day 1 - Finger breathing for sleep

We begin this 21 day course with a Sleep Tool that is a client favourite and one of mine too! Even years later after learning it, people tell me they still use this to help them sleep.

The exercise is really simple and combines breathing with finger holds. This one is great for falling asleep and also for getting back to sleep in the middle of the night.

As with many of these exercises it can also be an effective way to press the 'reset' button and take some time out during the day.

Adapt it to work in a way that suits you best. The recording may be too slow or too fast for you, once you have learned it, you can count for as many breaths as you wish, the audio is just for guidance.

In the video, I mention using the Puffer fish video to help with relaxed breathing, here is the link. Remember, your breathing should feel relaxed and always discontinue anything that feels uncomfortable.


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See you tomorrow where I talk about Sleep Stress and introduce another Sleep Tool for your Toolkit

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