Week 2 BONUS - The power of routine

This week, we focus a little more on routine.

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Develop a good routine

  • Go to bed at roughly the same time every night and wake at the same time. This is to get your body into a helpful rhythm. If you are going through treatment, you may need to sleep in the day or get sleep where you can, your priority is to get through treatment and let your body recover, so it may not be appropriate to try and develop a routine until treatment has ended. Having said this, many people still find these tools and techniques helpful even through treatment and medication.
  • Pace yourself as you would a young child. So just as we wouldn’t expect children to suddenly fall asleep if they’ve been running around, begin to slow down in the hour before bedtime. Be mindful of watching the news or anything that makes you jumpy before bed and it can be a good idea to stop watching TV at least an hour before bedtime. Think about what relaxes you. A bath? Reading? Listening to the radio, an audiobook or music? Lowering the lights at this time can also be helpful and prepare the brain for sleep. Could you commit to turning off the TV an hour before bed and doing something soothing instead for one week and see if it helps?
  • Remember Day 9 and the Neuroplasticity of the brain? Practice doesn’t just make perfect, practice increases the likelihood that it will help.
  • Some people find it easier to sleep if they have not eaten anything too late. Others like to have a bedtime snack. See what works for you, it might help to make a note of what you have eaten and at what time so that you can see if there are any patterns.

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